. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ define("RDF_TYPE_PREFS", "application/rdf+xml,text/xml;q=0.7,application/xml;q=0.5,text/rdf;q=0.1"); function wfDublinCoreRdf($article) { $url = dcReallyFullUrl($article->mTitle); if (rdfSetup()) { dcPrologue($url); dcBasics($article); dcEpilogue(); } } function wfCreativeCommonsRdf($article) { if (rdfSetup()) { global $wgRightsUrl; $url = dcReallyFullUrl($article->mTitle); ccPrologue(); ccSubPrologue('Work', $url); dcBasics($article); if (isset($wgRightsUrl)) { print " \n"; } ccSubEpilogue('Work'); if (isset($wgRightsUrl)) { $terms = ccGetTerms($wgRightsUrl); if ($terms) { ccSubPrologue('License', $wgRightsUrl); ccLicense($terms); ccSubEpilogue('License'); } } } ccEpilogue(); } /* private */ function rdfSetup() { global $wgOut, $wgRdfMimeType, $_SERVER; $rdftype = wfNegotiateType(wfAcceptToPrefs($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']), wfAcceptToPrefs(RDF_TYPE_PREFS)); if (!$rdftype) { wfHttpError(406, "Not Acceptable", wfMsg("notacceptable")); return false; } else { $wgOut->disable(); header( "Content-type: {$rdftype}" ); $wgOut->sendCacheControl(); return true; } } /* private */ function dcPrologue($url) { global $wgOutputEncoding; print " "; } /* private */ function dcEpilogue() { print " "; } /* private */ function dcBasics($article) { global $wgLanguageCode, $wgSitename; dcElement('title', $article->mTitle->getText()); dcPageOrString('publisher', wfMsg('aboutpage'), $wgSitename); dcElement('language', $wgLanguageCode); dcElement('type', 'Text'); dcElement('format', 'text/html'); dcElement('identifier', dcReallyFullUrl($article->mTitle)); dcElement('date', dcDate($article->getTimestamp())); dcPerson('creator', $article->getUser()); $contributors = dcContributors($article->mTitle); foreach ($contributors as $cid) { dcPerson('contributor', $cid); } dcRights($article); } /* private */ function ccPrologue() { global $wgOutputEncoding; echo " "; } /* private */ function ccSubPrologue($type, $url) { echo " \n"; } /* private */ function ccSubEpilogue($type) { echo " \n"; } /* private */ function ccLicense($terms) { foreach ($terms as $term) { switch ($term) { case 're': ccTerm('permits', "Reproduction"); break; case 'di': ccTerm('permits', "Distribution"); break; case 'de': ccTerm('permits', "DerivativeWorks"); break; case 'nc': ccTerm('prohibits', "CommercialUse"); break; case 'no': ccTerm('requires', "Notice"); break; case 'by': ccTerm('requires', "Attribution"); break; case 'sa': ccTerm('requires', "ShareAlike"); break; case 'sc': ccTerm('requires', "SourceCode"); break; } } } /* private */ function ccTerm($term, $name) { print " \n"; } /* private */ function ccEpilogue() { echo "\n"; } /* private */ function dcElement($name, $value) { print " {$value}\n"; } /* private */ function dcDate($timestamp) { return substr($timestamp, 0, 4) . "-" . substr($timestamp, 4, 2) . "-" . substr($timestamp, 6, 2); } /* private */ function dcReallyFullUrl($title) { $title->getFullURL(); } /* private */ function dcPageOrString($name, $page, $str) { $nt = Title::newFromText($page); if (!$nt || $nt->getArticleID() == 0) { dcElement($name, $str); } else { dcPage($name, $nt); } } /* private */ function dcPage($name, $title) { dcUrl($name, dcReallyFullUrl($title)); } /* private */ function dcUrl($name, $url) { print " \n"; } /* private */ function dcPerson($name, $id) { global $wgLang; if ($id == 0) { dcElement($name, wfMsg("anonymous")); } else { $user_name = User::whoIs($id); dcPageOrString($name, $wgLang->getNsText(NS_USER) . ":" . $user_name, $user_name); } } /* private */ function dcContributors($title) { $contribs = array(); $res = wfQuery("SELECT DISTINCT old_user" . " FROM old " . " WHERE old_namespace = " . $title->getNamespace() . " AND old_title = '" . $title->getDBkey() . "'", DB_READ); while ( $line = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $contribs[] = $line->old_user; } return $contribs; } /* Takes an arg, for future enhancement with different rights for different pages. */ /* private */ function dcRights($article) { global $wgRightsPage, $wgRightsUrl, $wgRightsText; if (isset($wgRightsPage) && ($nt = Title::newFromText($wgRightsPage)) && ($nt->getArticleID() != 0)) { dcPage('rights', $nt); } else if (isset($wgRightsUrl)) { dcUrl('rights', $wgRightsUrl); } else if (isset($wgRightsText)) { dcElement('rights', $wgRightsText); } } /* private */ function ccGetTerms($url) { global $wgLicenseTerms; if (isset($wgLicenseTerms)) { return $wgLicenseTerms; } else { $known = getKnownLicenses(); return $known[$url]; } } /* private */ function getKnownLicenses() { $ccLicenses = array('by', 'by-nd', 'by-nd-nc', 'by-nc', 'by-nc-sa', 'by-sa', 'nd', 'nd-nc', 'nc', 'nc-sa', 'sa'); $knownLicenses = array(); foreach ($ccLicenses as $license) { $lurl = "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/{$license}/1.0/"; $knownLicenses[$lurl] = explode('-', $license); $knownLicenses[$lurl][] = 're'; $knownLicenses[$lurl][] = 'di'; $knownLicenses[$lurl][] = 'no'; if (!in_array('nd', $knownLicenses[$lurl])) { $knownLicenses[$lurl][] = 'de'; } } /* Handle the GPL and LGPL, too. */ $knownLicenses["http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/"] = array('de', 're', 'di', 'no', 'sa', 'sc'); $knownLicenses["http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/"] = array('de', 're', 'di', 'no', 'sa', 'sc'); $knownLicenses["http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html"] = array('de', 're', 'di', 'no', 'sa', 'sc'); return $knownLicenses; } ?>